TESTIMONY: Last Testament of Jesus Christ
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The book begins with Arlin’s tour of Israel with Our Lord as his personal guide. What was recorded in his previous title, “Land of the Master,” has been expanded with additional testimonies, as mentioned below.
On his first night, he slept on the Mount of Olives, and from there, the Lord took him through the old city streets to the Garden Tomb on Good Friday. In the garden, he witnessed how Our Lord came forth from the tomb. Together, they traveled north to Nazareth and the areas surrounding the Sea of Galilee. Arlin saw the correct location of the Mount of Transfiguration and how Elijah and Moses came in a starship to visit Our Lord.
He then showed Arlin events of His Passion as they occurred, confirming the true location of the Temple, Antonia Fortress, etc. Arlin has a testimony of the Shroud of Turin—that it’s the true Banner of Heaven and the Tent of Isaiah.
Other testimonies include:
- Jesus was buried and resurrected at the Garden Tomb, not the Church of the Holy Sanctuary
- On Resurrection Morning, Our Lord was greeted by a welcoming committee (including his ancestor, King David), He was not alone!
- The place revealed where King David resurrected
- The spot near Nazareth where Jesus spent years talking privately with Our Father in Heaven
- The true location where the townsfolk of Nazareth tried to throw Him off a precipice
- The site where the Lord’s earthly father, Joseph, worked and was killed by Herod
- The location of Jacob’s ladder
- Enoch is described
- The Ancient of Days is explained, who he is, and where he will rule from
Arlin was also shown how Our Lord ascended, creating a portal into Heaven over Jerusalem. The book includes an exhaustive Glossary regarding Israel and ends with a Call to Action against the coming Beast system. Also included is a list of Resources on Israel and the Holy Shroud.
Table of Contents
1. Good Friday
2. Western Wall
3. Garden Tomb
4. Preached to the Dead
5. Nazareth
6. Galilee
7. Bethsaida
8. True Mount of Transfiguration
9. Jericho
10. Easter Morning
11. Condemned to Die
12. Where David Walked
13. Where David Rose
14. Steps Where Our Lord Taught
15. His Family
16. Jacob’s Ladder
17. Ancient of Days
18. Ascension
19. Mercy Cloth
20. Venerations
21. Messengers
22. Banner of Heaven
23. Tent
24. Post Jerusalem Visits
25. Ron Wyatt
26. Angel of the Cloth
27. Arma Christi
28. Holy Sanctuary
29. Lake of Fire
30. Heaven
Appendix: Million Dollar Challenge
Resources – Israel
Resources – Mercy Cloth
“In writing my book Temple Mount 11:11 Horn of God – The Vision in 2019, I noticed certain authors trying to confuse the subject of the ancient Temple’s location. That’s when I learned why Jesus brought me there 15 years earlier—He wanted me to provide a fresh, spiritual witness to it. Learn the truth now.”